Within one business day, we will license your indicators and notify you that they are ready to be used on your NinjaTrader platform.
To obtain your machine id for the licensing form, go to NinjaTrader control panel and click on Help>About. Your machine id will be located here:
Please copy and paste that number into the form.
Do NOT type it in. It's very easy to make a mistake and will slow down the process.
Do NOT send us a screenshot of the number. Then we'll have to try to type it in and we'll most likely make a mistake and slow down the process.
Licensing your indicators is manual process so please allow at least 1 business day to complete.
IMPORTANT: It is not uncommon for multiple NinjaTrader users to have the same machine id. If we find that we already have a user registered with the machine id you registered with, we'll ask you to provide us with another machine id that you can create inside of NinjaTrader. This will not replace your machine id. It will simply add another machine id that is specific to The Intentional Trader.
To provide us with a unique machine id, please follow these instructions:
- On the NinjaTrader control center, go to Help>3rd Party Licensing
- In the "Vendor Name" field, input TheIntentionalTrader
- In the "User defined ID" field, input your name with no spaces (ex. JohnSmith)
- Press the "Submit" button
- Copy the new machine id in the field above the Submit button and paste it into an email to support@theintentionaltrader.com