This Step is only required if our indicators do not print the correct or expected chart symbol
FONTS NinjaTrader has a limited number of symbols included that developers can use to place objects on a chart. Because of that, we have incorporated some font symbols in our indicators to give us a broader and more descriptive set of symbols. Most of these symbols are from very typical Windows fonts. However, not all Windows computers may have the font packages installed. In that event, Windows will substitute a symbol that will not match the font symbol intended.
If you import our indicators into your NinjaTrader and apply them to a chart but see something different than you were expecting or see in the trade room, it’s likely you’ll need to import one or all of the fonts packages.
The font packages that we use are:
- · Webdings
- · Wingdings
- · Wingdings 2
- · Wingdings 3
Download from the link below, any missing font from your Windows system. Install the font into Windows and then restart your computer and NinjaTrader and reload the indicators.
To install:
After download, double click on a font file name, then click "Install". Repeat for each font you'd like to install.