OTS (Open/Target/Stop)
OTS is a helper tool designed to help make fast decisions on the open of the current bar. All of our trade setups require a decision on the open of the current bar based on certain criteria.
One of those criteria is having support or resistance 5 ticks or less behind your trade. When decisions have to made quickly, we usually can't take the time to count how many ticks away from the line is price when the bar opens. By the time you count how many tick, you have most likely missed your opportunity to exploit the market pullback trade.
Visual Settings
01. DisplayMode - Set for just a plot (defined under Plots section) a ray (line) or both. In the image above, both are selected.
01a. Plot Mode - Set for only show for the current bar or for all historic bars on the chart.
02. Remove After X Seconds - Number of seconds until the indicator is removed. It will show again on the open of the next bar.
Parameter Settings
01. # Ticks Target - Indicates how far from the open of the bar the target lines/arrows will print
02. # Ticks Stop - Indicates how far from the open of the bar the stop lines/arrows will print